منافسات البيلسان

اسهل طريقة لمنافسات محتدمة

انا جاهز للتحدي
نحن الافضل!

نحن نساهم في هذه المناسبات و المؤتمرات

دائماً ما نضفي على مناسباتكم ومؤتمراتكم الكثير من الحماسة و البهجة و التفاعل

خيارك الاول

For most currencies, there are no limits to the transfer amount. Certain currencies might have limits set by our payments partners. You will always see the limit in the Revolut app before making the transfer.

خطط مناسبة لميزانيتك

For most currencies, there are no limits to the transfer amount. Certain currencies might have limits set by our payments partners. You will always see the limit in the Revolut app before making the transfer.

منافسات قوية

For most currencies, there are no limits to the transfer amount. Certain currencies might have limits set by our payments partners. You will always see the limit in the Revolut app before making the transfer.